Apache Camel w/Spring Boot

Rumeysa Tatli
2 min readFeb 18, 2021


Today, I wanna show a very quick and basic demo about Apache Camel with Spring Boot and how things are going there a bit. For declarative part, Apache Camel is a rule-based routing and mediation engine. It enables Java object-oriented implementation of Enterprise Integration Models using API (or declarative Java Domain-Specific Language) to configure routing and mediation rules.

Anyway, now hands-on part is coming. For better understanding for beginners(so am I) we will perform a very simple file transfer now, our goal is to move our file from destination a to destination b. While we are creating project we need to choose Spring Boot with Apache Camel. At that moment we could be able to see the dependency in pom file.


Then we continue with application class, in this case we override configure method that is coming from RouteBuilder.

changes in main file

Then also we modify application.properties like below

End then when we run our application and now able to see our documents are transferred. For me, that topic is also from recent ones and trying to get better with it. Thanks for reading. For more, you can check documentation.



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