IE-499 Second week

Rumeysa Tatli
1 min readOct 18, 2019


Firstly we need to think about a metaphore which called “All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree.”. This metaphore sometimes inspires me so much than anything. For me as a person I’m one of the left-brain used. Because I’m an engineer. I make calculations, write codes etc. When I was a kid, I hated math. I used to love art, also used to draw, paint, play guitar.. But right now, I hated them, I love math and science etc. I’ve changed maybe, during this time, system has changed me like everybody else. If you are existed in this system, there is no escape except finding yourself..

Finding yourself, all people around the world talks about it nowadays. All people believes it, itself. What about the true meaning of finding yourself? Because sometimes it can replace with marketing advertisements, even. Because people love money, anyway I’m saying that if you want to see the beyond the world, you need to run through your monsoon. This is the only thing about finding yourself.



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